September 18, 2014

  • Training on intervention techniques for Maritime Police and Crime Investigation Officers in Zanzibar ends today

    Training on intervention techniques for Maritime Police and Crime Investigation Officers in Zanzibar ends today
    September 17th, marked the end of a police training course provided by EUCAP Nestor held at Zanzibar's Police Academy. This week long training course was an opportunity for Tanzanian Maritime Police and Crime Investigation Officers to learn from EUCAP Nestor's trainers on a wide range of activities with a focus on maritime intervention security techniques, police practices and boarding intervention. The courses were designed to develop existing skills and progress students to the next level.

    They were combined with new techniques and scenarios such as 'empty hands' defensive techniques. It was the first time for the participants to be actually trained in a maritime environment, using their own boats. Another aim of the course was to provide techniques to increase the security of the officers whilst on duty and to minimize the potential impact of their actions on the population and environment.
    "The goal of this course was to enhance the individual capacity of our Tanzanian counterparts, who clearly demonstrated their high level of professionalism and determination in fighting maritime crimes in the region" said Dag Hjulstad, the EUCAP Nestor training coordinator. "The trainees were so enthusiastic that they even requested an additional 2 hours of training which the training team was happy to deliver."

    At the closing ceremony, Eisso Kronenberg, EUCAP Nestor's Head of Country Office Tanzania, said "The police college was so cooperative, we did not have to worry about anything. All logistical issues were solved in no time."

    The closing ceremony was attended by several dignitaries from Tanzania and Zanzibar, amongst them the Chief of Maritime Police of Zanzibar, Chief Superintendent Martin Mpembe, Director of Criminal Investigation Salum Msangi, the Director of the Zanzibar Police College and other ranking Police officers.
    As part of the European Union's comprehensive approach to secure the waters in the region, the strengthening of Maritime security and therefore Tanzania Maritime Police plays a vital role in combating piracy and other maritime crimes in the region.

    EUCAP Nestor is a civilian EU mission, under the Common Security and Defence Policy, that assists host countries in the Horn of Africa and Western Indian Ocean region to develop a self- sustainable capacity for enhancement of the maritime security, including counter-piracy and maritime governance.


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