August 06, 2014

  • COSTECH participates in National Farmers’ Day (Nane Nane)

    COSTECH participates in National Farmers' Day (Nane Nane)
    The Commission of Science and Technology (COSTECH) has taken a vibrant role of transferring innovative agricultural technology to the society at the Nane Nane agricultural exhibition which is happening in Lindi from 1st to 8th August 2014.

    Nane Nane festival is celebrated every year to recognize the role of farmers to the economy. The national event provides an opportunity for farmers and other stakeholder's t exchange knowledge and business.

    This year's exhibition theme is 'Big Results Now-Agriculture is Business'. Dr Joseph Maziku, COSTECH's senior research officer said that COSTECH has funded up to 56 research projects in the year 2012 that have the potential of transforming agricultural practises to bring about development.

    'We want farmers to use technology to raise their incomes and contribute to the national food security,' At the event, four research projects that were funded by COSTECH where exhibited. The projects included those of controlling tsetse flies, fruit flies and rats as well as that of raising indigenous chicken.
    Deputy Permanet Secretary Minstry of Industry and Trade, Maria Bilia (third left) listening to a scientist from the Ministry of Agriculture and Food cooperative Mashaka Mdangi (right) explaining a research study he conducted on dettering rats in farms. COSTECH funded the research project.
    COSTECH's Senior Research Officer Dr Joseph Maziku(left) welcomes one of the Lindi councillors (right) who visited the pavilion.
    The Director General for Small Industries and Development organisation,Eng. Omari Bakari (first left) conversating with COSTECH's Public Relations Officer on ways of transferring technology to farmers.
    Dr Joseph Maziku, COSTECH senior research officer gets interviewed by the media.


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