August 21, 2014

  • The influence of a single individual in the DMV Tanzania community

    The influence of a single individual in the DMV Tanzania community
    The DMV Tanzanian community has been going through some rough times recently. You could say some of us are experiencing post elections blues. The recent elections and the unexpected outcomes which are still being disputed has brought about so much scandal. I ask myself why and try to examine the whole thing. What is the source of the problem and what could have been done differently and how do we move forward from here. 

    One very common theme or I should say person comes to mind when I think to myself what happen to cause such disharmony and chaos between ourselves to the extent people have become so passionate in the recent week, igniting a fight for human rights and against corruption. A particular women named Asha Nyang'anyi has really become the talk of the town and side gossip for many of us. Ask any Tanzanian residing outside this area if they know her they may tell you that this particular individual is a Tanzanian lady who resides in the DMV area and who is involved in many activities to try to advance positive causes and well being of her people. 

    However ask any Tanzanian who resides in the DMV area the same question they may tell you the opposite. You may be asking yourself why has she been the center of attention. Well I asked myself the same thing too and finally am starting to get some answers. People are very familiar with Ms Nyang'anyi because she has involved herself in so many activities and her involvement has brought about so much fear, negativity and hatred among our people that it has caused this community to be divided. Let us review the many things she is involved in.

    1) Member of Tano Ladies 2)Member of Dicota 3)Teacher in the Children's Swahili Class 4) Recent lunch event for Mrs Salima Kikwete(the first lady of Tanzania) 5)TAMCO (TZ muslim community) and 6)the Election Committee. You may ask yourself why is this list relevant. This list represents popular activities or events in the TZ community which in most part have become divided because of her participation in them.

    1) Tano Ladies was such a positive thing when it started until Ms Nyang'anyi got involved in her efforts to divide DMV women by selecting only a few to invite to Mrs Kikwete's lunch. Many women voiced their opinions on this as they felt they were discriminated against. I would advise the other members of Tano Ladies to separate themselves from her if they want continued support from the community.

    2)  Children's Swahili Class. She was one of the the Children's Swahili class and the whole effort to promote the Swahili language for our children has become a failure. I cannot say for certain if her involvement had anything to do with it but would not hesitate to guess it may have been. 

     3) As a member of Dicota again I can not say as of yet if her involvement will result in positive or negative outcomes however looking at her history I would not hesitate to guess the latter.

    4) TAMCO- as a member of TAMCO many would say this group promotes discrimination in the community on the basis of religion. Again people may have their opinions but any group that sets to do this cannot be a healthy or positive thing for any society.

    5) The Election Committee - As one of the members of the DMV election committee I would say without a doubt that this role she was in is the one the "broke the camel's back" for many of us . Anyone who had a doubt in their mind on her unethical and reckless behavior will no longer think twice after watching Mr. Bandio's post elections interview with Liberatus Mwangombe and Solomon Chris. The elections turned out to be very chaotic and resulted in a huge separation of the TZ DMV community like I have never seen it before. Many say Ms Nyang'anyi was a key participant in corrupting the elections with her dictatorship ways by terrorizing other members and not allowing them to voice their opinions. All this was because she wanted the current president Mr Iddy Sandaly to win the elections at all costs. The legitimacy of these elections have yet to be decided in court under the jurisdiction of the District of Columbia.

    Ladies and gentleman Ms Asha Nyang'anyi has ruined many people's lives and she continues to be a cancer in our society. She pretends she wants to promote positive change for us (especially women) but in essence is the source of the current destruction in the Tanzanian DMV community. Everything she is involved in ends up in destruction and people are beginning to realize this. She must realize people will not put up with her nepotism, favoritism or any other "isms"  ways any longer. The fact that her father was a former Tanzanian Ambassador to the United States does not give her the right to act above the law. I would urge her not to take any kind of leadership role in the future because her unethical ways and behavior has left this community completely divided.

    Representatives of the DMV Tanzania Community


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