October 19, 2014

  • Tanzania to host the Africa Union retreat of special envoys and mediators

    Tanzania to host the Africa Union retreat of special envoys and mediators
    More than 100 International Mediators, envoys and African Former Heads of State have confirmed to participate in the fifth retreat scheduled to be held in Arusha from 21st to 23rd October, 2014.
    The retreat, aimed at addressing threats and emerging challenges on the continent will, among other things,  device a coherent strategy to silence the guns and enhancing economical growth, justice, peace and stability in the continent.
    A statement issued by Tanzania Information Services in Dar-es-salaam yesterday said, the meeting is expected to adopt a long term and structural approach to Africa's understanding and responding to violence and instability.
    "The retreat will attempt to answer one of the pertinent question of what are the long term response required to respond to Africa's instability and address emerging threats of terrorism and climate change to peace, security and stability." The statement said.
    The opening session of the retreat will include an introductory address by H.E. Dr. Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete, President of the United Republic of Tanzania, UN Secretary General, Dr. Ban Ki-Moon  and AU Commission Chairperson Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma.
    This is the second event organized this year in response to the clarion call to silence the guns by the year 2020 following the retreat held in Durban South Africa in April 2014. That month also saw the AU Peace and Security Council holding a special session on the campaign against guns.
    Among the confirmed participants include Former President of South Africa, Thabo Mbeki, Former President of Mali, Alpha Omar Konare, Former President of Burundi, Pierre Buyoya and Former OAU Secretary General, Dr. Salim Ahmed Salim.
    The meeting will also draw participants from African Development Bank, UN, representatives from regional economical blocks, World Bank, League of Arab States, African bilateral partners, UN Security Council, European Union and team of Experts.
    Ambassador Augustine Mahiga, a former Tanzanian Permanent Representative to the UN in New York is among 23 experts who have been invited to attend the retreat in the tourism city of Arusha
    Issued by:
    The Director, Tanzania Information Services - MAELEZO,


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